All our Educations
Here you can get an overview of all the educations offered by NBCBC.
Vocational education and training
A full VET education consists of a basic programme divided into two basic courses and a main programme. VET students enrolled directly after lower-secondary school start on the first basic course, while older students enrol directly in the second basic course.
VET programme including General Upper Secondary Examination. The Danish VET system offers a VET programme which combines general upper secondary education with vocational education and training that is the EUX programme. This programme qualifies students for a job as well as allowing them direct access to a wide range of higher educational programmes.
Main programmes
The main programmes of the Danish VET system are typically organized as 4-5 periods of school-based education – alternating with lengthy periods of training at the workplace.
The students must therefore have a training agreement with an approved company which offers training. The main programmes typically take two years to complete in the case of business programmes.
However, they may be longer for certain programmes or shorter, for example because of the recognition of competencies already obtained by the student.

Business College profiles
The Business College profiles (handelsgymnasium in Danish) are the cornerstone of Niels Brock. Niels Brock was the first business college in Denmark and the founder of the Higher Commercial Examination programme (HHX). Today, the Business College programmes account for more than 50 % of all activities at Niels Brock.
- Innovation Business College (taught in Danish)
- Classical Business College (taught in Danish)
- Business & Marketing College (taught in Danish)
- International Business College, offering the popular IBB programme (International Business Baccalaureate) (taught in English) and the Elite Business College (taught in Danish)
- Vocational programme including General Upper Secondary Examination (taught in Danish)
- IBB licensed abroad (taught in English)
International Business College
Det Internationale Gymnasium (International Business College) in Copenhagen is an upper secondary business college (Danish studentereksamen) that allows you to experience the world in more than one sense.
Here the students can study a three year business college degree in English, study languages such as Spanish, German, French or Chinese, learn about different cultures, go on exciting study trips and study a semester in California.
IBB licenced abroad
The curricula for the HHX programmes are laid down in ministerial orders and are controlled and regulated by the Danish Ministry of Education. However, when offering the IBB programme abroad we are allowed to modify the programme, so it fits the needs of the students in a specific country.

Higher educational programmes
Niels Brock is predominantly an upper secondary institution; however, we have always offered a wide range of higher education programmes both under our own name as well as in partnership with recognized British universities.
All our higher education programmes are offered in the department called Copenhagen Business College.
Tailormade programmes and courses
As a business college, it is natural for NBCBC to work closely with the coperate world. During our lifetime of more than 135 years, we have offered a wide range of specialised courses for industries.
In close cooperation with companies, we identify the competency needs of employees and together tailor an educational programme that covers precisely the competencies needed.
- Leadership and Management
- Accounting and Finance
- Marketing
- HR